10 Importing serial numbers

You can import a range of serial numbers for cards, and then create a credential profile that will only issue cards that have been previously imported. The Import Serial Numbers workflow allows you to import card serial numbers, and the Only Issue to Known Serial Numbers option in the Credential Profile workflow allows you to configure the credential profile to restrict issue to those cards.

MyID must also know details of software and hardware tokens before it can issue them to people.

The Import Serial Numbers workflow also allows you to import a range of HID codes for integration with a PACS server.

Note: You are advised to import a maximum of 5000 records in a single file. You may experience problems if you try to import more serial numbers. If you have a large number to import, split the file into smaller files containing no more than 5000 records.

The Serial Number Import Format document contains details of the format of files used for the Generic Device type. To obtain this document, contact customer support, quoting reference SUP-204.

To import a list of serial numbers:

  1. From the Configuration category, select Import Serial Numbers.
  2. In Import Format, select the type of card.

    If your card type is not listed, it is possible it is not supported or that additional configuration is required to allow the details to be imported. Contact customer support for more information.

    If you select Generic Device from CSV, you can specify the Default Device Type in the final field on the screen.

  3. Select the External System from the drop-down list.

    For example, select your authentication server or PACS server.

  4. In Valid Import File, click the browse button and select the file containing the serial numbers.
  5. If you selected Generic Device from CSV in Import Format, select a default card type from the Default Device Type drop-down list.
  6. Click Import.

    The system starts to import the serial numbers. This process carries on in the background, as it may take some time depending on the quantity of numbers to be imported.

    You can confirm that the process has completed by checking the Audit Reporting workflow.